Empaque Hongo P/ Filtro grava

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Irritec - Italia
Codigo: 00000829

Empaque para hongo filtrante para filtro de grava Italiano

Precio actual $ 5.36 + 0% IVA

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Empaque para hongo filtrante para filtro de grava Italiano

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Certificaciones Irritec


Empaque para hongo filtrante para filtro de grava Italiano

Perdite di carico' - Head loss' - Pene de charge~ - Perdida de carga•
• Prove eff9ttime con qUMZite 0,11 -1). mm e~~
• TestM lrihquarlme0.0-1.2mmMlddean wate,-
• Tesis effectues .JMc'C &Jble 0.8 - 1,2 mm ft e.JU pmpre
• Pnlebas ~ oon cuarcb O.O - 1.2 mm y agu.;, iorlpQ
charactans/ics I caractenst/que I caracter/Slicas - ~ po,1118 Por1lta conlrolavagglo 0 ccrpo fowtale
ref. connexbn body débl oooodón C8'1dal
mm. (m'Al) (m'lh)
IFEGV20y500 2· A 20 500 9-18 15
IFEGV20j,600 2· A 24 600 14-28 25
IFEGV30y600 3' A 24 600 14-28 25
IFEGV30y750 3' B 30 750 21-42 38
IFEGV30y900 3"- dn80 B 36 900 32-62 54
IFEGV40y900 4" -dn100 B 36 900 3~5 54
IFEGV40y1200 4' -dn100 B 48 1200 35-90 95
y= .rfl•!!!!.11!!!!!!!!-·SldkH = --111 • lemale 1ht&ad•t--msca hembra
F = lllnglllo. lsnged • brlde - btlds
W = ~lle
11 filtro a sabbia di quarzite EGV monocamera é particolarmente adatto per il filtraggio di acque con alta
quanllta di sostanze organiche: alghe, melma e particelle llmose di matrice organica. E' consigliato
l'utillzzo psu una piastra orizzontale, im~lscono che la quarzite si compatti dlminuendo altresl le perdite
di cariico di tutto II sistema.
11 Filtro Ec;v pul> essere lnstallato slngolarmente, oppure In batteria di due o piú flllri. In ambo I casi il
controlav:;,ggio pul> essere manuale o automatice.
Presslono d'eserclzlo masslma: 8 bar
Corpo: In metallo sabbiato e trattato con zlnco fosfato e successlva appllcazlone elettrostatíca di uno
strato di v,emlce epoxy-poliestere di 120-160 mlcron con funzione protettiva e anticorrosiva.
Guamlzlc,nl: EPDM
Attacchl: filettatl femmlna BSP - Rangiati - Victaulic
The EGV one-chamber quartzite sand filler EGV, is particularty suitable to the filtration of water with
high amounts of organic substances: algae, mud and sllmy particles of organic matrix. lt is recommended
for water from rivers, lakes or dams.
The spectal spreader nozzles located inside on lhe horizontal plate, preven! the quartzite to become
compact and lhe decrease of pressure head loss In the whole system.
Max work:lng pressure: 8 bar
Body: sanded metal and treated wilh zinc phosphate and followlng electrostatlc appllcation of epoxypolyester
1painted layer of 120-160 micron with a protective and anticorrosiva function .
Gaskets: EPDM
Connectl,ons: female thread BSP - ftanged - victaullc
Le filtre á sable EGV est particuliérement adapté pour la filtration des eaux avec hautes quantltés de
substance,s organlques: algues, boue et particules llmoneuses de matrice organique. Usage recommendé
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